Heritage Programs
The heritage of the United Arab Emirates is characterized by original features that combine the traditions of the past with future civilization.
Today, at Al Ain Zoo, we combine the authenticity of heritage with future civilization and present it to visitors through a range of Heritage Programmes and activities.
Combining different old cultural characteristics in modern ways with interactive tools and methods, the participants move from the authentic past through the traditions and values of local people, harnessing the UAE’s heritage in a sustainable way for future generations.
1- Traditional Games
Traditional games help in transferring customs, traditions and knowledge naturally and in a fun way from one generation to another. They are related to movement, rhythms, and songs.
In this program, participants learn about the different types of traditional UAE games and the materials used in each one and even try one of them for themselves.
2- Traditional Crafts
Our ancestors were distinguished by the wisdom of using the available natural resources in their environment whether they live in an oasis, on the coast, or in the desert. In this program, students learn about the traditional crafts practiced by the residents of the UAE in the past through interactive activities.
3- Camels
Camels have been at the center of life in the UAE for many years now, and have played key roles in transportation, food, entertainment, and more. In this program, students learn about the importance of camels to Arabs and how these ‘ships of the desert’ are well adapted for survival.
4- Arabic Coffee
Arabic coffee is much more than a hot drink; it’s an art, a lifestyle, and a journey into history.
This programme aims to educate participants about the importance of coffee as a symbol of authentic Arabic hospitality. They will learn about the different types of coffee and the many tools used in making a really good cup of coffee.
5- Traditional Emirati Clothing
Traditional dress is a symbol of culture and honor. In this program, participants will closely examine the contents of a treasure box and learn how our ancestors lived sustainably, preserving nature by saving and recycling materials.